Assignment Guidelines, Templates, and Research/Writing Best Practices
- Here is a link to an Overleaf template for final projects and papers. This LaTeX example contains how to include figures, tables, and references and is preset with class format requirements.
- Here is a link to a Microsoft Word template, equivalent to the LaTeX/Overleaf template above.
- Here is a checklist for writing a literature review.
- Here is a basic checklist for observational studies in political science by Yiqing Xu.
- How should we choose our paper titles? There are some different approaches to this. See here for a few examples of memorable titles for papers.
Ph.D. Student Resources
- (Very Sparse) Guideline for Research Assistants.
- American University Professional Development workshop: How Should Students Approach Conferences? March 24, 2023.
- American University Professional Development workshop: Conferences, Networking, and Web Presence. March 19, 2021.
- Navigating the Political Science Job Market. Last revised Oct 7, 2020. Please take everything here with a grain of salt. Also, your advisor/committee’s advice/strategy takes precedence over anything I have to say!