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The estimated weights from imprr_weights can be used to perform any analyses. For example, to estimate the average rank of party, one can leverage linear regression as follows:

lm_robust(app_identity_1 ~ 1, data = identity_w, weights = w) |> tidy()
#>          term estimate  std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high   df
#> 1 (Intercept) 3.220388 0.02790142  115.4202       0 3.165641  3.275135 1081
#>          outcome
#> 1 app_identity_1

While this illustrative example provides a valid point estimate, its confidence interval does not account for the estimation uncertainty around the estimated weights. Thus, in practice, imprr_weights must be used along with bootstrapping, such as the one available in rsample (example).